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Home University Is KWASU Under ASUU


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Are you looking for answers to is kwasu under asuu then you are on the right web page for all the necessary information.

Kwara State University (KWASU) Chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Malete, was a non-participant in the strike by the union because of its financial implications on the institution.

In addition that, The local ASUU body is yet been granted full membership status by the union.

However, due to the reported gentleman’s arrangement with KWASU instructors and ASUU body at the national level ASUU organization, the university was not sacked.

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KWASU Public Relations’ Director KWASU Public Relations, Mr. AbdulRazaq Sanni, disclosed this information to The Guardian, yesterday, in Ilorin, Kara State.


Normal academic activities ran smoothly at the college at the time The Guardian visited its Malete campus.

Sanni declared: “We are not getting any kind of subsidy for any period. Therefore, we rely solely upon Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) for our survival as an institution.

“The ASUU’s leadership ASUU in the country is fully aware, and they cooperate with us. There is no witch-hunting regarding this change. If we join in the strike, we’ll be detained. However, we stand fully in solidarity with ASUU. We support what they’re fighting for.

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“KWASU is also exempt from the strike right now as we’re on the basis that is Observer Status at the moment. We have yet to be granted full membership status with ASUU.”

We hope with the above information we have been able to give answers to your questions about Is KWASU Under ASUU.

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