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Home Scholarship Utrecht University Free Online Human Rights Course

Utrecht University Free Online Human Rights Course

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This course at Utrecht University can introduce students to the most complex human rights systems The European Convention on Human Rights. Utrecht University Free Online Human Rights Course

Utrecht University is offering free online courses about Human Rights for Open Societies. This course is designed for all who is interested in protecting human rights as well as the connections with open societies.

Course At A Glance

Time: 6 weeks of study
Effort: 2-3 hours/week
Subject: English
Institution: Utrecht University and Coursera
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Sessions: Beginning on 13 February 2017

Providers’ Details

Utrecht University is a research university with seven faculties that encompass across the whole academic spectrum of research and teaching. It was founded in 1636. Utrecht University is now an advanced, leading institution that is gaining international recognition. According to the Shanghai Ranking, Utrecht University is ranked first in the Netherlands 17th overall in Europe and 56th in the world. The research focus is on four major strategic areas: Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability. Our mission is Bright minds, a more promising future.

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About This Course

Rights of humankind are subject to threat all over the world. Peaceful protests are violently blocked. Voting rights are manipulated. And minority groups are often left out from making decisions. This is a threat to our ideals of open societies which everyone can enjoy freedom and be a part of the same community. A strong safeguarding of the rights of all human beings is essential to ensure that an open and democratic society continues to be able to exist and thrive. It is, however, often difficult to achieve this ideal. Learn more about the human rights and how they function.

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Learning Outcomes

In this class, University will introduce you to one of the most complex human rights systems which is The European Convention on Human Rights. It will show you the ways in which people may appeal at the European Court of Human Rights to voice their grievances regarding human rights violations. You will discover how the Court attempts to resolve many of the human rights issues of the present. The university will study, among other things, the right to freedom of expression and demonstration and your right to vote as well as the prohibition on discrimination. We will also consider the rights of immigrants refugees, migrants, and other groups that are vulnerable. Also we will determine if you can limit rights and , if yes, under what circumstances. There will be watchdogs and ice cream during this course.


Antoine Buyse, Prof. dr.

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Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Utrecht Law School

Janneke Gerards, Prof. dr.

Jurisprudence, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Utrecht Law School

Paulien de Morree, dr.

Jurisprudence, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Utrecht Law School


This class is designed for anyone who is interested in protecting human rights as well as the connections with open society. A background in law is not required, but a basic understanding of law can help.

How To Join This Course

  • Visit the site for the course
  • Create an account on Coursera. Coursera account to sign up
  • Select “Register Now” to get started. Here, Apply Now
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