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Home University KSU Cut Off Mark For All Courses

KSU Cut Off Mark For All Courses

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Are you looking for ksu cut off mark for all courses then you are on the right web page with all the necessary information for you.

Kogi State University KSU Cut off Mark for the 2022/2023 academic year is now available on the internet. See more details below.

KSU Cut Off Mark For All Courses are listed below. See below for the cut off mark.

KSU Cut Off Mark For All Courses
KSU Cut Off Mark For All Courses

KSU Cut off Mark for All Courses

Faculty Of Agriculture

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Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
AgricultureChemistry, Bio/Agric, and any of Physic and Mathematics.Five Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, Economics or any other Science/Social science subject and a pass in Physics. A Credit in Agricultural Science must be backed up with at least a pass in Biology.160
Fisheries & AquacultureChemistry, Biol/Agric and any other science subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, Economics or any other Science/Social science subject and a pass in Physics. A Credit in Agricultural Science must be backed up with at least a pass in Biology.160
Food Science & TechnologyChemistry, Mathematics/Physics and Agric ScienceFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology or Agric. Science and Physics.160
Home SciencessChemistry, Biol/Agric and Maths/PhysicsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology or Agric. Science, Nutrition or Home Economics and at least a pass in Physics.160

Faculty Of Art & Humanities

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Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
Arabic studiesArabic and two subjects from Arts and/or Social SciencesFive Credits as SSCE and/or GCE O/L in Arabic or Islamic studies, English Language and any three other relevant subjects in SISCE.160
Christian Rel. KnowledgeTwo Arts subjects, including Christian Rel. Knowledge and any other subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, CRK and three other relevant subjects.160
Theatre ArtsLit. in English and two other relevant subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Literature in English and any other 3 Arts and or Social Science subjects.160
English Language/Lit. StudiesLit. in English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Sciences SubjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Literature in English and three other Arts or Social Science subjects.160
History & International StudiesHistory/Govt. and any other two subjects from Arts and Social SciencesFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, History or Government and any three (3) other subjects from Arts or Social Science.160
Philosophy & Religion StudiesAny three subjectsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE OL/ in English Language and four other relevant subjects. At least a pass in Mathematics.160

Faculty Of Education

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Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
ChemistryChemistry & 2 other subject taken from Physics, Biology and MathematicsFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and any two subjects from Physics, Biology, Agric. Science.160
MathematicsMathematics and any two of the following Physics, Chemistry and BiologyFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics and three other Science subjects from Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Agric. Science, Economics.160
BiologyBiology and two of Physics, Chemistry and MathematicsFive SSCE credit passes in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and one other subject.160
Islamic StudiesIslamic/Arabic and two other social science or Arts subjectFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, IRS and three other relevant subjects.160
GeographyGeography/Physics plus two other Social Science/Arts subjectFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Geography, Mathematics and two other relevant subjects.160
PhysicsPhysics, Mathematics or Chemistry plus one other subjectFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and two other subjects from Social Science, Biology, Chemistry, Agric. Science, Economics and other subjects..160
Physical & HealthBiology and any other two relevant subjectsfdffvx160
Human KineticsEnglish and three other relevant subjectsFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics and three other relevant subjects.160
ScienceThree relevant sciencesfdffvx160
English LanguageLit in English and one Arts and any other subjectFive SSCE credit passes to include English Language and Literature in English plus three other Arts or Social Science subjects.160
Religion StudiesTwo Arts subjects including CRK and one other subjectfdffvx160
Library ScienceAny three subjectsFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Pass in Mathematics and three other relevant subjects.160
Social ScienceAny 3 of CRK, Economics, Geo/Physics, Govt., History and IRSfdffvx160
History & International StudiesHistory and any other two subject chosen from CRK, IRS, Lit in English, French, Yoruba, Geo/Physics, Economicsfdffvx160
Social StudiesAny 3 of CRK, Economics, Geo/Physics, Govt. History and IRSFive Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language, Pass in Mathematics and three other relevant subjects.160
EconomicsEconomics, Mathematics and one of the subject from Geo/Physics, History, Government and Lit in English.Five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Economics and Mathematics.160

Faculty Of Law

Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
Common LawAny three of Arts or Social Science Subjectfdffvx160
Islamic LawIslamic Law Any three Arts or Social Sciences subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies.Five Credits at SSCE and or GCE O/L in English Language. Literature in English and three other relevant Arts, Social Sciences, or Science subject.160

Faculty Of Management

Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
Banking & FinanceMathematics, Economics plus one of Govt. and GeographyFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two other relevant subject.160
AccountingMathematics, Economics + any Social subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two other relevant subject.170
Business Admin.Mathematics, Economics + any Social subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two other relevant subject.170
Public Admin.Government, Economics and any other subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Government, Economics Mathematics and any other Social Science or Arts subject.165

Faculty Of Health Science

Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
MedicinePhysics, Chemistry and BiologyFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

Faculty Of Natural Sciences

Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
BiochemistryBiol, Chemistry, Physics/MathematicsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.185
Biological SciencesBiology, Chemistry and Physics or MathematicsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
MicrobiologyBiology, Chemistry and Physics or MathematicsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.190
PhysicsPhysics, Mathematics and Chemistry/BiologyFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two subjects preferably Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric. Science, and Economics or Geography.160
MathematicsMathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and AgricFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two subjects preferably Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agric. Science, and Economics or Geography.160
ChemistryChemistry and two of Physics, Biology and MathematicsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Biology or Agric. Science, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.160
Industrial ChemistryChemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics/Biology/Agric ScienceFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Biology or Agric. Science, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.160
GeologyAny three of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and GeographyFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics160
*MathematicsMathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Economics/Geography

Faculty Of Social Sciences

Faculty / ProgrammeJamb Subject RequiredAdmission RequirementsRecommended UTME Cut-Off Score
EconomicsEconomics, Mathematics and any of Govt. History, Geography, Lit. in English, French and CRK/IRKFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Economics, Mathematics and any two other relevant subjects.160
Mass CommunicationAny three Arts and Social Science subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Literature in English, Mathematics and any other two Arts and or Social Science subjects.185
Political ScienceGovt./History and two other social science or Arts subjectsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Government or History, Mathematics and any two other revenant subjects.170
SociologyThree Social Science or Arts subjectFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Credit pass in either Economics, Geography or Government and any two other relevant subjects.160
Geography and PlanningGeography and Two other Arts or Social Science SubjectsFive Credits at SSCE and/or GCE O/L in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two other relevant subjects in either Natural Sciences or Social Sciences.

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