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Home University Which Polytechnic Form Is Still On Sale

Which Polytechnic Form Is Still On Sale

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Are you looking for which polytechnic form is still on sale then this blog post is for you, with all the necessary information .

It was when I was process of writing this blog post as an admissions seeker contacted me to ask the exact question. He stated that, “I had done one post-UTME at a school, but was not able to pass. Do I have to change the name of institution and also consider schools that did not have the Post UTME?

I wrote about it in my post “Post UTME Form Already Out! I Hope It’s Not Too Late to Change Schools or Courses?” But this covers more details and specifically on the exact question.Some schools have completed their post-UTME screenings/screenings, and Some have already released admission lists It is now the moment to ask the kinds of questions.

This article will address the same question in various ways. Let’s take a look:

  1. I wasn’t admitted at one school, but can I transfer my school to another, hoping that it’s not to late?
  2. I didn’t get the post UTME exam for my school. Hope that it’s not too late for me to transfer my institution to another?
  3. I failed my post-UTME test, do I have the option of changing to another school? Would it be successful?

No matter what your health condition what it is, the answer to your query remains the same. Check out the blog post until the end.

You’re Not on the Admission List

You may change your school to another one if the school you are currently attending doesn’t grant admission.

Imagine that you have looked over the admissions list of the school you’d like to attend But Your name was not there So, what do you plan to do next?

  1. Be sure that the school has published its complete admission list. This is because, if you’re name is not listed on the list of applicants for the first batch You may be fortunate to be in the 2nd, 3rd batch, etc.
  2. If for some reason, you think you’re convinced that you have no chance with the school you attend, you may continue to transfer to a different school whose admission is open. If they haven’t completed their post UTMEsyet, and the forms are still available for sale or, if you have changed to them before now they’ll still take this.
  1. You could think about changing the type of school to one that have forms still available. It’s not too to late.
  2. It is also possible to switch to the schools where the forms aren’t yet released. This is your best option should you be interested in them.
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You Failed Post UTME/Screening

Another possibility is when you fail the institution’s post UTME. This is akin to being denied admission, as we have already discussed.

The good news is that you are able to switch to schools with forms that are being developed or not yet sold.

universities, Polytechnics, and Colleges You can check now if their Post UTMEs are not yet on sale

Note The schools listed below are still waiting to have their applications open. Candidates who are interested in applying can switch to them while getting their applications. Before doing that, be certain to go to the official websites of each university following each link to check whether the application has ended.

  1. University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID): The university is offering the form. Verify.
  2. Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo Ondo State: The state-owned polytechnic has been selling post UTME form until further notice.
  3. The Polytechnic Ibadan: The Polytechnic is not yet selling the post-UTME/screening form at the date the release of this information. However, you will be required to check the portal to determine if the form is open to prospective applicants.
  4. Federal Polytechnic Idah The polytechnic is offering her post-UTME/ admission form until the end of time.
  5. Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State: Although the polytechnic is already making applications from previous applicants however, the admission portal is open to new applicants
  6. Yaba College of Technology, Yaba Lagos: The Polytechnic is selling its post UTME/screening application that is applicable to the ND programmes and Affiliate Degree programmes.
  7. College of Education Ilesa (Affiliated with the University of Ibadan) The school is offering its screening form to applicants who scored at least 200 in the UTME.
  8. Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko This university will start selling screening forms for applicants who are eligible sooner, if they haven’t yet. Check the cut-off marks of their department prior to transferring to the screening process. I suggest you complete the screening online prior to making the change of institution through the JAMB portal.
  9. Federal College of Agriculture, Igboora, Oyo State The polytechnic application form is on sale until the next date.
  10. Federal College of Education, Osiele (affiliated with the University of Ibadan) The application form for admission to the university will be available for sale in the event that it is not available until the next date. If you are interested, please check.
  11. Federal College of Education, Osiele, Ogun State This post UTME screening process for NCE candidates is ongoing as of writing this article. Please check it out if you are interested.
  12. Adeyemi College of Education (NCE and Graduation): The university/college has opened its admission portal. was reopened in order to permit more interested and qualified candidates to apply.
  13. EKSU Affiliated to the Emmanuel Alayande The university continues to sell screening forms to interested candidates.
  14. Ekiti State University (EKSU): The university will open its admissions portal in the near future in the event that it has not been done so. Make sure to confirm.
  15. University of Jos The university admissions form remains available until next notice.
  16. Maitama Sule University, Kano The admissions form for the university remains available until the end of the year.
  17. Plateau State Polytechnic The Polytechnic application is available until today.
  18. Osun State State University College in Technology, Esa-Oke The screening form that is available for polytechnic aspirants is available until next notice.
  19. Oursley University ondo The application form for admission for the school is available until next notice.
  20. Federal Polytechnic Offa (DEGREE) It is affiliated in the Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State: This program is exactly the same as the one at Federal University of Technology Minna’s campus. No difference! It’s the institution that awards you a diploma upon completion of your course . It also prepares you to NYSC.
  21. Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo: The College of Education admission form is available until next notice.
  22. Federal Polytechnic Bida (DEGREE) affiliated by the Federal University of Technology, Minna Niger State: There is no need to choose the degree of the university in UTME. You can simply fill out the form at the polytechnic’s website. The rest is up to the administration to manage your behalf.
  23. Edo State Polytechnic This is the Polytechnic screening forms are open until the next time.
  24. Osun State Polytechnic Iree The application form remains in process until further notice.
  25. Atiba University Oyo State: Form sill on sales to all applicants. The University is an exclusive private University located in Oyo Town, Oyo State.
  26. Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology: The form is still available for the market of UTME applicants who score above 120 regardless of whether they attended the college for UTME and/or not. The form is also available to students who didn’t write UTME but who have five credits from SSCE with the appropriate subjects.
  27. Federal College of Education Oyo Special (SPED) The screening exercise for admission to Oyo’s Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo is still being sold.
  28. The University of Ibadan Affiliated to Oyo Special: Form remains open for sales applicants who have chosen to go with it or did not choose. You have to be able to score at least 200 in UTME.
  29. EKSU Ila Campus: Ekiti State University is affiliated with the Osun State college of Education’s Ila-Orangun degree program (Full-Time) Also available for sales. There’s no official deadline for the closing yet. It is important to note that the university is only able to offer educational courses on this campus.
  30. Osun State College of Education Ila-Orangun The college’s online application form remains in place until the end of the year. Candidates can download the form on their own once they have decided or transferred to the college as their first choice institution.
  31. Take a look at schools for students aged 19+ that accept students of 100 or more for admission to post UTME/Post UTME. Many of these schools have open applications.
  32. Federal University Birni Kebbi The university continues to sell post UTME forms until now.
  33. Federal University Lokoja: The university has decided to keep applications open till the next time.
  34. Federal Co-operative College, Ibadan The Polytechnic admissions form is available until the next date.
  35. The University of Uyo: The application form for admission to the university remains available until the next date.
  36. Edo State University The screening form for the university is available until the next date.
  37. Federal Polytechnic Ile Oluji The polytechnic still selling the second batch of admission screening form to prospective students up to the present time.
  38. Federal Polytechnic Oko The Polytechnic is selling the form of addition until further notice.
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  1. Many of these schools offer an extended period prior to the time they close their registration. It is possible to choose any one of them, but make sure to verify the closing dates before you do. The information could have changed in the past few days since this publication.


You could think you’ll be surprised when the school of your choice will recognize that you’ve just switched to them. That’s true. However, there’s no problem with this and schools do not have any issues with new students switching to them, too.

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You must ensure that such the school is still in operation and the date of their closure isn’t too near. This is due to the fact that it will take JAMB few days before they can forward your information for the new institution, and for that school’s ICT to upload the information on their website.

This is precisely the reason JAMB will not be closing the exercise of changing institutions/courses. Students can continue to alter their preferences in the event that admission remains open. However, you should note that you are able to only change the institution/courses twice unless you are subject to special requirements that are listed in this article.

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