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Home Business Discuss four remote causes for military intervention in nigeria politics of 1966

Discuss four remote causes for military intervention in nigeria politics of 1966

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This article focus on how to discuss four remote causes for military intervention in nigeria politics of 1966

Military intervention is the process by which the armed forces leave their barracks and oust the current civilian administrations from office. Typically, a coup d’état is used to accomplish this.

Discuss four remote causes for military intervention in nigeria politics of 1966
Discuss four remote causes for military intervention in nigeria politics of 1966

The first democratically elected administration in Nigeria was overthrown by the military in 1966, when the country became independent. There are several explanations for why the military gets involved in politics.

Regionalized parties present

The fact that the numerous political parties in existence at the time were not national in nature was one of the justifications the military offered for their intervention in Nigerian politics in 1966. Regionalization affected all of the major parties’ base of support. The Action Group received support primarily from the Western Region, the Northern People’s Congress primarily from the Northern Region, and the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroun received support primarily from the Eastern Region. The military claimed that this did not promote national unity.

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Economic management errors

The civilian government was also charged with mismanaging the economy in order to justify their downfall. It was said that the economy had been so poorly handled that it would have collapsed if the military hadn’t intervened.

Unhealthy competition between the main tribes

The military accused the politicians of the day of participating in tribal politics. Each of the major political parties at the time was vying for power since the political system at the time was based on ethnicity. The military claimed that this seriously harmed national unity.

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Army politicalization

The politicization of the army was another factor in the military intervention in Nigeria. The army had become so politicized that advancement no longer depended on one’s education, training, or experience but rather on their political views, which were in turn dependent on their tribe ancestry.

Nepotism and tribalism

Tribalism and nepotism had a significant role in the military’s takeover of the civilian administration of the time. Within the Nigerian Civil Service, promotions, hiring, and hiring were all based on “whom you know.” If one did not know any “Oga” in the service or did not belong to a certain tribe, one could not be too certain of being appointed into the Civil Service. The military deemed this to be bad.

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Foreign involvement

Foreign involvement in the 1966 and subsequent coups d’états in Nigeria cannot be ruled out. In order to help install administrations that are accommodating to their whims and caprices, several foreign powers are allegedly engaging in regime change.

WE hope the above information has Discuss four remote causes for military intervention in nigeria politics of 1966 and if not kindly drop a comment below.

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