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Home University Covenant University Admission List Batch 2

Covenant University Admission List Batch 2

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Are you looking for covenant university admission list batch 2 then you are on the right web page for all the necessary information.

Are you looking for covenant university admission list then you are on the right web page that will give you all the necessary information.

This message is intended to inform all applicants who took part in the Covenant University (CUSAS) post-UTME screening process for the 2022–2023 academic year that the institution’s administration has released the names of applicants who have been offered provisional admission to its various undergraduate programs.

Covenant University Admission List
Covenant University Admission List Batch 2

The admissions list for Covenant University is now accessible online.

How to Check Covenant University Admission List

Provisional Admission for Degree Programs at Covenant University for the Academic Session 2022–2023 has been offered to the candidates on the under-listed list.

Covenant University First Batch Admission List 2022/2023 (PDF 171KB)

Covenant University Second Batch Admission List 2022/2023 (PDF 136KB)

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