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NIRSAL Non Interest Loan Household

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NIRSAL Non Interest Loan Household

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) with NIRSAL has created a website for Nigerians to apply for NIRSAL Non Interest Loan Household.

NIRSAL Non Interest Loan Household
NIRSAL Non Interest Loan Household

Apply for Nirsal Interest Free Loan

In accordance of the decision taken by CBN of extending the non-interest window to companies as well as households adversely affected due to Covid 19’s Covid 19 pandemic, NIRSAL Microfinance Bank’s online portal is open to applicants who meet the criteria of this program to apply.

Who is Eligible for Nirsal Loan?

1. MSME with 1-5 staff and evidence of activities that were negatively affected due to the pandemic, as well as evidence of protection of jobs for staff.

2. Hospitality-related businesses as well as medical (pharmaceuticals and medical equipment) Service providers for airliners, manufacturing/value-addition trading, and all other activities that generate income as can be regulated by the CBN or are Shari’ah conforming.

The limit on financing MSME’s is N2,500,000 whereas household is N1,000,000.

Facility Type: Term Credit Facility

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Maximum Facility Amount:Household: N500,000.00

Margin of profit: 9%

Maximum Payment Period: 36 months

Note: In case you are in default, your payments are refunded from your account. Be aware that you must accept this in an offer document.

How to Apply for Nirsal Non Interest Loan

Interested Applicants should apply via https://www.nmfb.com.ng

For more information, call 09010026900.

Step 1: Application for Financing

Apply to the TCF-NI facility providing the necessary personal details and the company to be funded.

Step 2. the acceptance of an offer as well as Other Agreements

You will be informed when your application is accepted and you will be required to follow the following steps:

  1. Create the Offer Letter and accept it
  2. Make the Undertaking to Purchase Agreement and sign it.
  3. Input the information about the items that will be financed. It must be in line with the amount that was approved as stated on the offer letter.
  4. In the end, you’ll include invoices for all items that will be funded.

Step 3.Taking Delivery and Execution of Murabahah Agreement

Once Phase 2 is completed and awaiting the release of the funds to the proposed vendor. The funds will be used to buy raw materials and equipment at the expense of the supplier.

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The other NMFB or the agent you are appointed by NMFB will then be appointed to accept delivery of the assets. After the delivery is complete you will then be legally bound to sign the Murabahah agreement in the final phase in the agreement.

Application Process


Select whether you are a RETURNING or NEW applicant?

Make sure to save and copy your Application Reference Number (in this format like TCFNI1234567).

Step 2: BVN Details

Input your BVN and click “Validate BVN” and confirm your information.

Step 3: Applicant’s Details

Once you’ve validated your BVN Check the information on the screen to make sure everything is in order, then press “Next”.

Step 4:Biodata Information

Enter PROMOTER Information (your biodata) including: email address, phone number, address, the state of your residence.

Step 5: Financing Information

Select the function of your facility’s use. Choose the only (1) reason *

to purchase equipment or an asset to be used at home
To acquire equipment or an asset to expand the business

Choose how you learned about TCF, and then click SUBMIT. TCF application, then click the box that says “I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct”. After that, click SUBMIT.

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If your application was successful, then you’ll receive the following message:


“Non-Interest TCF Household Application was successfully verified and approved. Thank you for submitting your application for the TCF-NI Household Facility. This application is reviewed then you’ll be informed about how your application is progressing.”

Visit https://nibloans.nmfb.com.ng/nmfbloanapplicationportal
Select Non-Interest Facilities
Select Non-interest TCF
Click here to continue
Companies and households can apply on the Nirsal MFB website on www.nmfb.com.ng for households or businesses:

  1. NON-INTEREST TCF (HOUSEHOLDS) >> https://nibloans.nmfb.com.ng/noninterestlendingtcfhousehold

2.NON-INTEREST FCT(SME) >> https://nibloans.nmfb.com.ng/noninterestlendingtcfsme
3.NON-INTEREST AGSMEIS >> https://nibloans.nmfb.com.ng/agsmeisnoninterestlending

For additional inquiries, contact Nirsal Microfinance Bank (NMFB) at 09010026900.

NIRSAL Non Interest Loan Household

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