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Home Loan How To Get A Loan From XCredit

How To Get A Loan From XCredit

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XCredit is a service for loans that allow people to obtain loans and then pay them back in the future. The region it operates in is in Nigeria and the services offered can be accessed through the mobile application. 

This article will explain the process of getting a loan through XCredit and the interest rate, loan terms as well as repayment terms, and much more.


With only your BVN and a few other information, XCredit is a wise choice for credit cards. There is no mortgage requirement the process for borrowing is simple and quick.

XCredit’s requirements for XCredit

  • You must attain the age of 18 old age to get the loan offered by XCredit.
  • You’ll need an Android phone to download the application. It’s not accessible for iPhones.
  • You’ll need an active phone number.
  • You will need to provide your Bank Verification Number (BVN) as well as other personal information.
  • It is also necessary to enter the account’s number. Any money you loan through XCredit will be transferred to the account.
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How do I get an installment loan through XCredit

Follow the steps listed below for directions on how you can borrow credit from XCredit:

1. Download the app via Google Play Store. Google Play Store

At present, there is no online version of XCredit. To make use of the service, users need first first download and then install the Android application.

2. Create an account using XCredit

Start the app and confirm that you’re a new user. Register an account by entering your BVN as well as other personal details.

3. Request a loan

After your account has been registered and you can apply for the loan. You’ll need to be patient and show patience to ensure that the management will be able to approve your loan application.

Your loan application could be turned down. This could happen if you aren’t yet able to pay the loan you took out from a loan provider or if your BVN has been linked to previous fraud.

4. Redeem the funds

When your application is granted and you are accepted, you will be able to receive the funds in a matter of minutes.

It is suggested to pay in advance or on the due date as this will increase your loan limit. If you are more punctual with your payments, can be with payments, the more amount of money you can get from XCredit.

What amount of loan can you obtain from XCredit?

With XCredit allows you to get loans ranging from N5,000 up to N500,000. But, you won’t be able to obtain huge amounts since you’re a new user. If you want to increase the loan limit ensure that you pay it back by when the deadline is.

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Interest rate XCredit

XCredit has an interest charge of 12 percent for every credit you take out for 180 days.

XCredit loan term

XCredit lets customers take out loans for a period between up to 91 days ( three months) and up to 18 months (6 months).

Repayment of the loan

XCredit will require users to repay the loan before or on the 180th day of the day the loan was taken.

The amount you must pay back is the amount you borrowed in addition to the interest costs. For instance, if you have borrowed N5,000 from XCredit the loan will be repaid N5,000 plus an additional N600 (12 percent of the interest) at the time the loan is over.

In addition, you’ll be penalized if the repayment is past due. If you do not pay the debt by the 180th day of the month, each subsequent day is charged a cost of 2 percent. Find out more on this official site.

The late payment can also reduce the loan amount.

Is Xcredit Loan Legit?

Given that people have received money from their platform, it is safe to claim that the loan platform is legitimate. A loan platform must be able to offer loans that are deemed to be legitimate, isn’t it? Maybe not.

Pros and cons Xcredit Loan


  1. Easy and quick access to loans.
  2. No collateral.
  3. No documentation.
  4. Zero service fee charge.


  1. The Xcredit credit card is available with a maximum of 180 calendar days. This means it is perfect for short-term loans.
  2. They are currently only able to offer loans that are up to N500,000.
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How do you repay your loan XCredit before the due date

1. Start the XCredit app on your phone.

2. Click on ” My Loan“.

3. Choose the loan that you would like to repay.

4. Select”Repay in Advance. ” Repay In Advance” button.

5. Check all the information on the page before clicking ” Repay now“.

6. Choose your preferred Repayment method and click”pay” the ” pay” button.

7. Dashboards will get updated after the next few days, confirming that your loan was paid.

What happens if you pay more than the loan?

Everyone makes mistakes. If you’ve overpaid the loan the amount you overpaid will be returned to your bank account in 15 days.

What happens if your payment does not show up on your dashboard?

If, after a few hours, your loan payment hasn’t been recorded, or you’ve not received an email from XCredit informing you that your loan was returned, contact them through their customer service.

Contact the email addresses: They may ask you to show a photo of the purchase.

XCredit headquarters address

XCredit is also headquartered in a physical presence in Nigeria. It is situated on the 2nd floor of the 2nd level of Wing A, South Atlantic Petroleum Towers 1. Adeola Odeku Street, Victoria Island in Lagos State, Nigeria.

XCredit customer service and email address

For questions, inquiries regarding terms of service, inquiries, or other issues, get in touch with XCredit customer support via this email address.


It is easy to get loans to do with Xcredit. No collaterals, no papers and it’s accessible to anyone who has bank accounts. You can benefit from this simple loan provided by Xcredit to cover urgent and unexpected requirements as they occur. Learn more about the loan calculator here.

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