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Home Loan Easybuy Loan : Download App, How To Apply

Easybuy Loan : Download App, How To Apply

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Are you looking for details about Easybuy loan then this article has everything about how to get loan faster.

Easybuy loan is part that is part of Palmcredit is a financial mobile service that provides loan services. The service is called Easybuy Service, you can purchase a mobile phone using the loan and then pay back by installments.

It’s an established fact to everyone that smartphones have become expensive. While some phones with low-end specs can be inexpensive, the majority of phones equipped with top quality features are generally costly.

Easybuy Loan
Easybuy Loan

The Easybuy loan lets you purchase an expensive phone in Nigeria with just 70% of cost. You can repay the remainder of the 70 percent over a time of either 3 or 6 months.

Easybuy Loan App Requirement

To qualify to receive an EasyBuy mobile loan for financing You must be in compliance with the guidelines below.

  • The person you are working for must have a steady source of income
  • You must possess an acceptable means of identification. You can present your Driver’s License or International Passport and Card for Voters Card as well as NIMC National ID Card
  • The Bank Verification Number (BVN) will be also required.
  • ATM card (still valid)
  • The initial payment is 30% will be for the mobile phone you’d like to purchase.

If you meet the requirements, you can take the credit from Easybuy.

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How to apply for Loan from Easybuy

1. Find an Easybuy Agent

The first step is finding the Easybuy agent. Easybuy has alliances and partnerships with numerous telephone firms in Nigeria.

In the end, Easybuy agents are located in a variety of locations of mobile phones. They are all wearing their authentic Easybuy uniform (blue T-shirts that are branded with Easybuy) and you will be able to be able to recognize them.

2. Include the necessary information

A Easy Buy agent will brief you on the conditions and make sure that you’re eligible for the loan.

Certain questions and specifics are also asked, as well. And the person will write your answer.

3. Choose your Mobile Phone you want to purchase

In every mobile phone shop associated with the Easybuy service the agent works in tandem alongside the employees. Once you have selected the phone you want and you accept the price, you’ll be referred directly to an Easybuy agent.

4. Sign up to get your Easybuy loan

It is the next stage to sign-up to your Easybuy platform. The agent will take charge of this process and your personal details (that were gathered earlier) can be utilized in the application for a loan.

The photo of you will be taken as part of the process of applying. You might also be required to talk with an agent from the Easybuy headquarters (through telephone calls).

5. Start with a payment of 30%.

You will be required to be able to pay at minimum 30 percent of the price of the phone. If, for instance, the phone costs N40,000 it is required to make an initial payment of at minimum 12,000 Naira..

6. Set a convenient repayment term

If you are applying the Easy Buy loan, you can choose to:

  • You can pay within 3 months
  • You can pay back within 6 months
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Each repayment period has an interest rate that is different for each term. You should confirm the rate prior to making a final choice.

7. Final Verification

This is the final procedure to get the loan for a mobile phone from Easy Buy in Nigeria.

You will be asked for the names and numbers of four people who are who are close to you. The people you provide these numbers to:

  • Could be family members family members, family members, friends, employers or coworker
  • Do you have the confidence to prove your credibility as a and responsible person
  • You will be contacted in the event that you fail to pay on the agreed period (fail to pay by or after when the date is due)

Here’s a hint: You should inform them of your intention to apply for the loan. You should also tell them to spread an excellent reference for you.

When you apply to apply for an Easybuy loan, ensure to pay the loan on time. In the event that you don’t pay on time, it could cause embarrassment as the lender will call the four individuals listed to inform the recipients of your denial.

The term of the Easybuy loan

Easybuy offers its customers two repayment terms. We offer:

  • (3 months) (91 days) period of repayment
  • 6-month (180 days) period of repayment

Interest rate on Easybuy

The interest rate for the Easybuy loan differs based on the repayment period you choose in your application. The 3 month (91 days) repayment term comes with an interest rate per month of 9percent.

The 6 month (180 days) payment term comes with an interest rate per month of 6percent.

Easybuy Repayment of the loan

You can pay back your Easybuy credit in these methods:

  1. When you use the Easybuy app
  2. By using mobile apps, you can transfer funds
  3. Going to a branch of a bank and making a cash payment
  4. RAVE by Flutterwave
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How To Repay Loans Through The Easybuy App

If you’d like to make payments using Easybuy, the company’s official Easybuy app Follow the steps below:

  • Start the Easybuy application and sign in.
  • Click on “l oan history” and click ” Pay now
  • Click ” Repay with Bank card” and enter the details of your card.

The majority of users are advised to capture their payment process each time they make payments using their official payment app. This could be useful when there is an payment errors, overpayments, and other errors.

If you need help or have a system issue in the repayment of your loan You should get in touch with Easybuy through their customer service phone number, or via email.

Easybuy App Download

To take advantage of Easy Buy loan services and track your repayment period You can download the official version of Easybuy application from Google Play Store. Google Play Store.

Easybuy Head Office

In general, Easybuy operates from a variety of mobile phone shops across Nigeria. You can go to any store which is associated with Easybuy should you require to talk with an agent. Here’s the list of Easybuy associate locations within Nigeria.

For efficient customer care You can go to the Easybuy headquarters located in Lagos, Nigeria. It’s located at Number 9, Ogunnusi Road, Ogba, Ikeja in Lagos, Nigeria.

Customer care at Easybuy and email address

If you have any questions or concerns for complaints or inquiries, contact Easybuy customer service via their email address as well as contact number.

  • Number 018888188 (9 hours from 9:00 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday)

You can also reach out to them on their official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/easybuy.loans.

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