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Home Loan Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account

Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account

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Are you looking for Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account then this article is for you with all the necessary information.

Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account
Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account

There are fintech companies that offer Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account in Nigeria quickly. Here’s what you should be aware of about loans for non salaried people.

Loan In Nigeria Without Salary Account In Nigeria

Below are five trusted platforms through which non-salary earners can get loans in Nigeria

1. Carbon

Carbon is an excellent way to access fast loans in Nigeria. With Carbon loans, you can get up to N1,000,000 in loans and also receive cashback on interest when you pay back the loan in the due date.

What can I do to get a loan for Carbon?

To obtain a loan on Carbon Follow the instructions in the following steps:

  • Download the Carbon application via Google Playstore for Android or from the App Store on iOS.
  • Sign up on the Carbon’s app and apply for an loan.
  • Then, you’ll be notified that you know the maximum amount you are able to borrow and Carbon will approve the loan.
  • After Carbon accepts your loan, you will receive the money on your credit card.
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Learn more about loan options for those earning a salary..

2. Branch

Branch is a different fintech firm which offers loans that are quick to customers quickly. Branch has offices across four countries, including Nigeria. If you want to get a loan from Branch as a non-salary earner, you must sign up with additional information. This includes the number of your account at Bank, BVN, your Facebook account, as well as your mobile phone number Nigeria. Your loan amount that you avail is ranging from N2,000 to N500,000. Additionally, if you pay your loans in time, the amount you can borrow will be increased.

What can I do to get a loan through Branch?

You can obtain an advance loan at Branch using the instructions listed below:

  • Then first, download the Branch application from Google playstore on Android as well as it’s Appstore on IOS.
  • Join for Branch. Branch app.
  • Click on the toolbar to loan and enter your phone number, bank account details and any other personal information.

After that, you’ll be able view the current loan offers and make an application for them.

3. Aella Credit

Aella Credit is known for giving loans to people who don’t have any income. With the Aella application, you are able to get loans quickly and easily. Additionally, you can pay your bills, purchase insurance and invest using the application. They provide loans which range from N1,500 up to N1,000,000, with repaying within three to six months.

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How do I apply for a loan from Aella Credit?

To obtain a loan from Aella Follow these steps:

  • Download the Aella application on Google playstore for Android, as well as it’s Appstore on IOS.
  • Join the app and then input your the personal information you want to share.
  • You can apply for an loan. You will receive a confirmation which will let you know if your request has been accepted.
  • Your account will be paid five minutes after the application has been approved.

4. Sokash

Sokash is a reputable platform for loans that can be used to obtain loans for both short and long need. With Sokash you can secure the loan amount of N5 million in less than two hours.

How do I obtain an advance from Sokash?

To obtain a loan from Sokash you must follow these steps:

  • Download the SoKash app
  • After that, sign-up and confirm your account with your BVN.
  • Sokash will determine automatically how much you’re allowed to get.
  • Finally, you are able to begin applying for a loan after you’ve determined that you’re able to receive an loan.
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5. Fairmoney

Fair Money is a platform that offers personal loans with no collateral. With Fairmoney you can get access to the amount of N1,000,000 for loans. You can also pay your bills through Fairmoney and receive 100-free fund transfers. Their repayment terms range between 61 days and 18 months. If you pay back your loan in time and you pay it off early, you’ll get an interest rate of 90.

How do I obtain an advance on Fair money?

To get a loan based on Fair money, you must follow these steps:

  • Download the Fairmoney application on the Google Play Store.
  • Register on the app and enter your personal information.
  • Then, you can you can apply for an loan.
  • If you’re eligible, you’ll receive immediate funds to your bank account when your application has been approved.

Bottom line

For those who do not earn a salary getting a loan is nowadays simple. You can obtain immediate and quick loans on all of the options listed above. These platforms are simple to use and easy. Your account will be paid within minutes of when the loan has been approved. Give one of them you like today!

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